Cops and Robbers Tag Game

cops and robbers tag game

Cops and Robbers Tag Game

Cops and robbers tag game is an exhilarating and timeless joy which brings out the thrill of chase and capture.

Table of Contents

    When I think back to my childhood, one game always stands out in my memory “Cops and Robbers”. It fills my mind with vivid image of carefree afternoons, endless laughter and boundless energy. I remember how Park turned into a playground, those joyous shouts and the laughter.

    Cops and robbers is super excited adventurous game. It is best suited for birthday party, schools, family gatherings or summer camps. All you need is group of enthusiastic players and a safe open space.

    Are you ready to relive those cherished memories and create new ones? Join me in this blog post where I dive into the rules, strategies and benefits of this beloved game.

  • Age- From 6 years old
  • Number of participants- more than 10
  • Equipment- just large open space
  • Skills Developed- team building, corporation and motor skills.

Cops and Robbers Tag Game Rules

cops and robbers tag game
  • Tagged robbers must move to jail.
  • Cops should not stand too close to jail.
  • Only untagged robber can cause jailbreak.
  • All the tagged robbers must be freed during jailbreak.
cops and robbers tag game

How to play Cops and Robbers tag game?

  • Step 1: Select Jail

    • Choose a specific area as jail where tagged robbers will be held. Jail can be any tree, bench, shed, table even part of fence or wall.
    • Choose a specific area as jail where tagged robbers will be held. Jail can be any tree, bench, shed, table even part of fence or wall.
    • Choose a specific area as jail where tagged robbers will be held. Jail can be any tree, bench, shed, table even part of fence or wall.
  • Step 2: Make teams

    • Divide all players into two equal teams. One team is Cops and other is Robbers.
    • Divide all players into two equal teams. One team is Cops and other is Robbers.
  • Step 3: Role of Cops

    • Main aim of cops is to tag robbers and guard the jail.
    • Main aim of cops is to tag robbers and guard the jail.
  • Step 4: Role of Robbers

    • Aim of robbers is not being caught by cops and also to save their captured Robbers with jailbreak.
    • Aim of robbers is not being caught by cops and also to save their captured Robbers with jailbreak.
  • Step 5: Tagged Robbers

    • Once a robber is tagged by cop, he must move to jail.
    • Once a robber is tagged by cop, he must move to jail.
  • Step 6: Jailbreak

    • Jailbreak occurs when a robber who is not being tagged by cop, touches the jail and says “JAILBREAK”. All the Robbers who are currently in jail during jailbreak are freed.
    • Jailbreak occurs when a robber who is not being tagged by cop, touches the jail and says “JAILBREAK”. All the Robbers who are currently in jail during jailbreak are freed.
  • Step 7: Tag Robbers again

    • Once Robbers become free from jail, any cop can tag them again.
    • Once Robbers become free from jail, any cop can tag them again.
  • Step 8: End of Game

    • Game can end when all Robbers are sent to jail by cops or time limit is over and still some robbers are untagged. You can start the game by reversing the roles of players.
    • Game can end when all Robbers are sent to jail by cops or time limit is over and still some robbers are untagged. You can start the game by reversing the roles of players.
    • Game can end when all Robbers are sent to jail by cops or time limit is over and still some robbers are untagged. You can start the game by reversing the roles of players.

How to win cops and Robbers tag game?

    To win this game, both cops and robbers need strategy and teamwork. Some tips to win this game are:

  For Cops:

  1. Spread out in different areas of playgrounds so that robbers can’t move easily.
  2. Assign some zone to every cop.
  3. Try to make strategies to caught robbers.
  4. Focus on jail so that robbers get easily tagged once they come out of it.
  5. Surround robber from multiple sides to make harder for him to escape.

  For Robbers:

  1. Run carefully to avoid being tagged.
  2. Distract cops. Run in one way then suddenly change the direction.
  3. Plan Jailbreaks carefully.
  4. Don’t stay in one place. Keep on moving to avoid being tagged.

When to play cops and robbers tag game?

  1. Recess or lunchtime: Ideal for school recess or lunchtime as this game allows kid to burn their energy and kids must enjoy some outdoor fun.
  2. Birthday parties: If you are looking for fun and entertainment game for your birthday, this game is perfectly suited.
  3. Family gatherings: It is perfect for picnics or family reunions as kids of all ages can play this game to create memorable moments.
  4. Play dates: It is an engaging activity which makes children bond strong and provides opportunity to make new friends.
  5. Summer camps: It helps the campers engaged and physically active.
  6. PE classes: Best for physical education classes as it promotes fitness, teamwork and strategic thinking.
  7. Special occasions: Best for holiday celebrations, after school programs and community events.
  8. Anytime outdoor: When you are looking for any fun, excited and energetic game for your kid to play outdoor, ‘Cops and Robbers’ is the best option. It guarantees laughter and enjoyment.

Advantages of Cops and Robbers tag game

  1. Physical fitness

    • Running and chasing improves heart health.
    • This game promotes agility and balance.
    • Quick movements improve muscle strength.
  2. Social skills

    • Players in different teams work together and make strategies which helps in skill development like teamwork and Co-operation.
    • Effective communication is required to develop strategies, thus verbal and non-verbal communication gets better.
  3. Cognitive skills

    • This game needs planning and understanding opponent’s actions which enhances problem solving skills.
    • Quick decision making is key to win this game.
  4. Emotional wellbeing

    • Not being tagged by cops and on the other side, caught a robber and put him in jail boosts self-esteem and confidence of players.
    • Excitement and fun of game releases stress thus contributing overall emotional wellbeing.


    In this article, I expressed my views on Cops and Robbers Tag Game.
    Cops and Robbers is a dynamic tag game which offers overall development of kids. It supports physical health, enhances social skills and contributes to emotional well-being. It is best enjoyable and engaging playtime activity for kids.

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