Welcome to my beautiful world. My name is Shalini. I am a mother of two lovable toddlers. I worked as Assistant Professor for 11 years.
Became mother at the age of 25, not only fill my life with happiness and joy but also overwhelmed. Responsibility of two kids is a never-ending task. Life is going like a roller coaster. Ups and downs, success and failure, happiness and sadness all go side by side. You live your life once again with your baby. Responsibility of a mother not only ends up by doing things (like cooking, bathing, Nursing, cleaning or changing diapers) but more of making decisions for your kids (what is the best meal for my toddler? How to handle the tantrums? ).
My belief:
- If you understand the different areas of development of a toddler, your child will get the right learning opportunities.
- Let your toddler explore and learn at their own pace. Don’t underestimate or overburden them.
- By being caring parents, your toddler will develop positive self-esteem.
Between the ages of 1 to 3 years, physical and mental growth rapidly takes place. Physical fitness refers to increase in the body size whereas mental fitness refers to how they play, learn new skills, behave, speak, walk, recognize their toys and persons. Overall fitness of a toddler is the crucial responsibility of every mother. This is why I aim to share mybabyfitness journey with lovely mothers.
On this website, I am sharing my personal experience and will try to answer queries that every mom had in her mind like:
- How to teach different skills to my toddler?
- What are the best brain games?
Join me on this journey of toddlerhood, as this is the best phase of learning in your child’s life and this learning last forever. The skills your toddler learn at this stage totally depends on “MOM”.
Be active, authentic and caring to your toddler.
Best of luck for your journey !
You can connect with me at: support@mybabyfitness.com