Hoop Scoot Tag

Hoop Scoot Tag

Hoop Scoot Tag

Hoop scoot tag is a dynamic and engaging tagging activity that boosts confidence, cooperation and teamwork in kids of all ages.

Table of Contents

    Hoop Scoot tag is in my top 10 favorite. It is a game of chasing that combines traditional tag with a twist of hoops. Hoop Scoot tag promises a fun filled experience that everyone must have. It is a game that not only test your speed and agility but also your skills and strategy.

    Hoop scoot tag is a perfect way to inject some energy and laughter into your boring day. The game is simple and can be played by kids of all ages and throughout the year.

    Gather your friends, grab some hoops and get ready to create fun filled unforgettable memories.

  • Age: 7+
  • Number of participants: More than 10
  • Equipment: Hula hoops, Tennis ball, Flags or scarves.
  • Skills developed: Concentration, Agility, Teamwork and Confidence.

Hoop Scoot Tag Rules

Hoop Scoot Tag
Image from physically_lit
  • Only 3 players are allowed to stand in hula hoop at same time.
  • Players can only stand maximum of 5 seconds in hoop.
  • If players stand more than 5 seconds, he/she is automatically tagged.

How to play Hoop scoot tag?

  1. Place hula hoop several feet apart in the play area.
  2. Select 2 or 3 players as “It” or taggers. Ask them to wear flags, scarves or carry tennis ball for identification.
  3. Objective of players (except taggers) is to avoid being tagged. Players are safe if they stand in a hoop or run in desired play area.
  4. Only 3 players can stand in hoop at a time and not more than 5 seconds.
  5. If any player found standing too long in hoop, the tagger starts counting the seconds. The player has to leave hoop within those 5 seconds otherwise he or she is tagged automatically.
  6. Any 4th player who wants to enter in a hoop, must wait. Once any hoop vacates, the player immediately run and stands in it to save himself.
  7. Player who is tagged has to switch role with tagger and tagger must give flags, scarves or tennis ball to the new “It”.
  8. The game continues and stops if the time limit is over or the players seem to lose interest.

How to win Hoop scoot tag?

  1. For Taggers: The taggers must have a close eye on all 3 players standing in hoops. Taggers must count the number of seconds for which they are standing. If time exceed 5 seconds, player is automatically tagged, and tagger can now play the game.
  2. For Players: Players must not stand more than 5 seconds in hoop and also avoid being tagged by running in different directions. Planning is the key element to win this game.

When to play Hoop Scoot tag?

Hoop Scoot Tag
Image from grade1rules
  1. Outdoor events: Hoop Scotch tag is perfect for family gatherings, birthday party and community festivals.
  2. School activities: It is one of the best game to play during recess break and for active workout in PE classes. It can be played in after-school programs to keep kids engaged and active.
  3. Fitness: You can use hoop scoot tag as a playful way to get a cardio workout. It is ideal for fitness camps or activity clubs.
  4. Team building: This game promotes cooperation, enhance teamwork and social skills among kids.
  5. Family bonding: You can play this game with your kids to spend an afternoon together, promoting physical activity and family bonding. It is a great game to play in neighborhood which encourages outdoor activity and social interaction.

Benefits of Hoop Scoot tag

  1. Physical benefits:

    • It helps to build stamina.
    • Quick movements and running improves heart health.
    • Moving from one hoop to another enhances motor skills.
    • Quick changes in different direction improves agility and stability in kids.
    • Chasing and dogging strengthens leg muscles.
    • Maintaining balance while standing in hula hoops strengthen the core muscles.
  2. Social benefits:

    • Taggers work together to tag players and players work to avoid being tagged, promoting teamwork and cooperative strategies.
    • Effective communication among players is the essential key for social interactions.
    • Hoop scoot tag is easy to learn and play, so kids of any age can play it anytime.
  3. Psychological benefits:

    • Actively participating in this game reduces stress.
    • The laughter and joy of game improves mental health.
    • By avoiding being tagged or tagging others boost self-esteem and confidence.
  4. Cognitive and educational benefits:

    • Players must plan their moves and focus on the action of other players.
    • This game helps all player to stay alert and focused.
    • Hoop scoot tag is easy to play so the kids who are reluctant to engage can also enjoy this game.


    In this article, I expressed my views on Hoop Scoot tag.
    Hoop scoot tag is a dynamic and engaging activity which encourages physical activity, coordination and teamwork. So it is an excellent choice for schools, camps and community events.

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